Friday, October 2, 2020

No More Mess Around the House! Here Are Some Almirah Organizing Tips

Running out of space to keep your clothes?

Falling of clothes as soon as you open your Almirah?

Tired of arranging the clothes in the Almirah again and again?

God! Such a hard job in our lives, isn’t it? Well, all your worries are coming to an end today. After gathering a lot of information, we, at Wooden Street have come down to few Almirah organising steps which will surely remove all your worries and stress.

What are we waiting for? Let’s get started! Oh wait, let us put on some music first. Let’s make this boring task of almirah organization a fun task now.

Here we go!

Step 1: Remove all the stuff 

Start by removing all the stuff from your almirah so that you can figure out, how much space is required to keep them and how many necessary changes are required to do in your almirah. When you will bring down all the stuff from your almirah, make sure you differentiate them and place them in groups, so that when you will keep them back, it will be easy for you to find out.

Step 2: Start cleaning the almirah

When all the stuff is finally out, you can begin with cleaning of your almirah.  So, to clean your Wooden almirah, you can use a dry cloth and mop the almirah with it. In case you find any stains on your Wooden almirah, you can put some cleansing oil on the cloth and can then mop it, it will easily go away with it.

In case you are planning to change your almirah, you can view almirah online and Wooden Street is just a click away to help you get a new one. So you can buy almirah online as well with so much ease.

Clean all the boxes and containers as well properly. So now our cleaning part is done right? Let’s move to the next step.

Step 3: Arrange the stuff properly:

Now you can start folding the clothes and put them properly according to your wish in the almirah. You can also make keep them according to their usability, for example you can put all the daily wears on one side of the almirah and the party wears on the other side and you can hang the delicate ones, as they require some extra care. You can also keep them according to their material and delicacy as some clothes require more care as compared to the other clothes in the almirah.

Step 4: Use tags on the hangers or boxes

You can use tags on the hangers or boxes and name them according to the stuff inside them, it will not only look systematic but will also give you an ease in finding the stuff later. It often happens that we forget where we have kept a particular product and find some much difficulty in finding them later. So, you can give them names to them and can then put the boxes and containers according to their usage.

Step 5: Organise the stuff often

When we don’t arrange the stuff for a long time and keep going like that way, it becomes very irritating to do it all on a single day. So, to avoid that you can keep arranging your stuff, so that all of the work doesn’t comes to you on a single day. So keep managing them in a day to day schedule.


Planning to buy a new almirah? 

You can anytime check our website, to have a look at numerous varieties of products and also don’t miss a chance to get super cool offers with them.

And you of course do not need to worry about organising it now because you already know the tricks, don’t you?

Thank you. Have a good day!

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